All posts by Phil Summerton

ADVEARSE Vearse Farm dossier published……..

To view the dossier, click onto……’ADVEARSE’)).pdf?extension=.pdf&contentType=application/pdf&id=1496508

Failing that, try…..

then click on “Correspondence”

then click on “Representation (GEROLEMOU (FOR ‘ADVEARSE’))”

VF traffic dossier…..


We have just generated a comprehensive, illustrated dossier on local traffic information we feel should preclude the proposed build of open market housing (but encouraging low-cost builds) at Vearse Farm.

The dossier also highlights the needs of disabled residents, who frequent the already busy B3162 !

If you would like an electronic copy, please email us at and we will send as an attachment !

The front page of the document follows…

VF outline planning meeting news……..

Hopefully, this will be published in next weeks local papers……..

“Further to Roy Mathisen’s letter (BN August 24th) deploring the development of Vearse Farm, other than for inclusion of low-cost housing, we would like to publicise the following information.

We feel that the outline planning meeting destined for 12th October 2017 in Dorchester, should be held in Bridport and in the evening to enable attendance by residents who work.
We have invited West Dorset District Council to use alternative venues such as the Electric Palace or the Bridport Arts Centre. Because of the potential high attendance expected at this forthcoming meeting, it needs to be a large capacity venue.

Many of you no doubt, would be able to suggest other viable, alternatives.

Furthermore, somewhat alarmingly, we understand that this important Vearse Farm planning application, will be discussed with OTHER, ADDITIONAL planning applications, and not as a sole issue as per the recent St. Michael’s TE outline planning meeting. We are sure that WDDC would justify the South Walks House, Dorchester venue to encompass this, their proposed agenda.

We therefore ask the residents of Bridport to contact WDDC, specifically Andy Galpin ( or Jean Marshall ( or both, expressing the same sentiment as ourselves. Kindly, CC us on so we can monitor the extent and sentiment of objections.

Make your sentiments known in this superb newspaper as well !

Please note, the date of the meeting may be further delayed if the current, oustanding objections by The Environment Agency and Dorset County Council; Highways Department are not finalised.

Many thanks

ADVEARSE Campaign Group”

Letter of thanks……..

Published in this weeks View from Bridport and The Bridport News…….

“The ADVEARSE Campaign Group would like to thank the residents of Bridport and the surrounding villages for the many additional, kind donations to our cause, in the main generated by our leaflet distribution of late. This has enabled us to maintain the pressure on WDDC to hopefully, not desecrate the land at Vearse Farm. Failing that scenario, it is essential that we pursue and encourage the generation of a reduced number of suitably sized dwellings for the first-time buyer, in effect, the future Greater Bridport society. Furthermore it needs to be demonstrated, that the site is viable in terms of reduced flood risk and vehicular access, before any development begins.

Most recently, we were buoyed by both the Town Council and Symondsbury Parish Councils, objecting to the build on the grounds of poor access to the proposed site. We understand that additionally, Allington Parish Council have objected to this proposed development.

Furthermore, many of the objections currently lodged on the WDDC planning website, originate from the submission of the aforementioned, completed leaflet.

This is of course a bonus, as we did not expect the utilisation of this document as a means of residents communicating with WDDC, on the scale on which it has !

Thank you again, one and all.

“It’s never too late, to donate”

ADVEARSE Campaign Group

E; ”

Reply to Ian Johnson’s “Bridport News” letter…….

(Please note, this is NOT Ian Johnson who owns West Road garage, West Allington. Amended 29/6/2017)

I wish to object to Mr Ian Johnson’s letter entitled Too Selfish. Firstly, I presume he did not attend the recent Town council (13/6/2017) meeting to which he refers, but justifies his sentiments by his perusing of the photos printed in the Bridport News. I found his comments unpalatably ageist ! He and the youth of Bridport have had their chance to comment on this development at that meeting, but for some reason they chose not to. Furthermore, if he had attended the discourse, he would have heard that mature residents are very much in favour of providing low cost housing, in fact low-cost being the ONLY caveat as to not totally objecting to any new builds ! Note, I do not refer to low-cost as affordable as affordable dwellings (at 80% of the market price) are still outside the range of most of our young and destitute residents. Mature retirees having zero or very little remaining mortgage have achieved their aspirational goal of completion of their loan, some years later. I for one struggled to pay my mortgage at very high interest rates (15% in the early 1980’s) and the concomitant high income taxation.
I do admit that it is now prohibitive for the young and destitute folk to get a foot on the housing ladder but this is due to government policy not the legacy working people of the past. House prices in this country (particularly in London, the feeder venue for Bridport purchasers) have escalated NOW due to the inept monitoring by HMRC who have failed to address and omit the generation of legislation to combat the presence non-dom house purchasers, many of whom never occupy, but just await the expected price increase, then sell and avoid payment of CGT !
Furthermore, is Mr. Johnson aware that SHMA housing figures are inflated to the extent of 30% (figures from the Office of National Statistics and Campaign for the Protection of Rural England).
The building of more open market housing in our locale, will not fix the current [national] housing crisis !
What is very obvious is that Mr Johnson is rather deluded regarding his bizarre objections; he cites and states dog walking and spoiling [desecration] of the countryside. However, it is the more significant argument against the proposed traffic access, pedestrian & cyclist safety and the perceived flooding issue(s),that are the key objections.
The argument therefore should be holistic not iterating mono or dual specifics, as there are several pertinent issues in this complex, local housing situation.
There is a very apathetic attitude conveyed by Bridportians, across the whole demographic that is tangibly exemplified by those, supporting the development of Vearse Farm NOT convening meetings to express that view, en masse. It is a sad indictment that younger residents do not publically express their views, at the aforementioned meetings, than that only on social media.
So Mr Johnson, if you wish to support Vearse Farm development, may I suggest you undertake some reading and research as many of us have over the past 4 years, in our campaign group, ADVEARSE and then have your say at the council meetings and not denigrate campaigners, who truly care about the future of our town, in the local press.

Richard Freer

Bridport Town Council discuss VF planning application….

Please try to attend tomorrow night……
A special meeting of the Planning Committee is to be held in the Town Hall, Bridport on Tuesday 13 June 2017 at 7p.m. to consider the business on the following agenda.
(There will also be a similar meeting with Symondsbury Parish Council, on Tuesday 20th June, 7pm at Symondsbury primary school.)
*Please note change of venue
Yours sincerely
Town Clerk
This meeting is open to the press and public
Prior to the remainder of the Committee’s meeting, a period of up to 30minutes, or less as the case may be, will be allowed for members of the public present, who are electors or residents in the parish of Bridport or adjoining parishes, to ask questions and make statements in respect of items on the agenda of this Planning Committee meeting. (The Public
Forum may be extended, if necessary, for up to an hour).
To receive apologies for absence submitted by Members.
Bob Gillis
Town Clerk
Phone 01308 456722
e-mail: To: Members of the Planning Committee:- Cllrs:
Geoffrey Ackerman, Jeremy Brodie, Eddie Colfox,
Teresa Harrison, Sarah Horniman, Barry Irvine,
Julian Jones, Dave Rickard and Sarah Williams
(Copy for information to other Members of the
To receive any declarations of interest by members.
Outline application for the development of up to 760 dwellings, 60
unit care home (Use Class C2), 4 hectares of land for employment
(Use Classes B1, B2, B8), mixed use local centre (Use Classes A1,
A2, A3, A4, A5, B1, C3 and D1), primary school and associated
playing fields (Use Class D1), areas of public open space and
allotments, drainage works, the formation of new vehicular accesses
to West Road and the formation of new pedestrian and cycle links
(Outline). Link to application
This application is in Symondsbury Parish and the Town Council is
consulted as an adjoining parish.
The Committee will be asked to comment on this application and
make a recommendation to West Dorset District Council, who will
make the decision on the application.