Who are we?
ADVEARSE was set up in 2013 to oppose a massive building development at Vearse Farm on the outskirts of Bridport, which could be the biggest ever development on AONB land. Since then the group has made representations on the West Dorset Local Plan and on Outline Planning Permission for the development. In 2019 /20 backed by £34 000 of donations we challenged the permission for the development under a judicial review. Although we were successful on one of our grounds , the judge decided that the legal process could not change the decision notice to approve.
Our website (www.advearse.org.uk ) has more information on the campaign and our reasons for opposing the development.
The steering group has worked on behalf of our supporters and donors who are kept in regular touch with the campaign.
Although we have at this stage been unable to stop progress towards construction on the site, we believe that our work has
- Raised awareness at a local and national level of the problems and contradictions in housing policy in regard to areas of outstanding natural beauty and land supply
- Forged good links with CPRE and other campaign groups
- Publicised the challenges which this development will create for residents and the character of Bridport and West Dorset.
Following the JR judgment the group reviewed whether it wished to continue. We have decided to continue as a group and are looking currently at
- How we need to develop the group so that it is fit for the next stage. This may involve recruiting more members to the steering group and reviewing our structure
- What other groups we should link with.
- To oppose and if possible prevent the development in its current form
- Acting as a focus for those opposing the scheme
- Liaising with those exploring alternative uses of the site
- Opposing and seeking amendments to the detailed planning applications
- To seek outcomes which minimise damage and seek best outcomes for the town
- Ensuring that the Master Plan and S106 commitments are met in full
- Highlighting concerns such as safe access to and from the town centre
- To work with other groups nationally and locally ( including CPRE ) to inform future developments
- To lobby for changes in planning policy and process
- To contribute to the Dorset Local Plan review
- To support the Campaign for a National Park for West Dorset