To Alistair Trendell – Dorset Council, Flood Risk Management Team
Place Services, County Hall, Dorchester
03 May 2024
Dear Mr Trendell,
Ref Surface Water Management – Vearse Farm Bridport
My colleagues on the ADVEARSE group have long been concerned about the increased flooding risk arising from the massive housing development. The last winter has exacerbated our concerns and indeed there was flooding on site yesterday. It has been very difficult for us to obtain a reliable analysis of both the flood risk and the measures which flood experts feel are required. It is sad to see the Environment Agency so enfeebled. I have been contacted by members of the public who are concerned about the threat – indeed it is the most common concern people have.
I was interested in your submission on the Vearse Farm planning portal dated 15 November 2023. I note that you have lifted an objection but laid down the attached condition.
No development shall take place until details of maintenance & management of both the surface water sustainable drainage scheme and any receiving system have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The scheme shall be implemented and thereafter managed and maintained in accordance with the approved details. These should include a plan for the lifetime of the development, the arrangements for adoption by any public body or statutory undertaker, or any other arrangements to secure the operation of the surface water drainage scheme throughout its lifetime.
Construction work has appeared to have started and I therefore asked Mr Lytton -Trevers for clarification. He has informed me that the condition was cleared on 08/06/2023 and 21/12/2023. I find this hard to believe – the first date predates your letter and the second would require a speed of working in response which we have yet to see with this application.
Can I therefore ask you?
1. To explain if the condition has been met and if so
2. Where can I obtain the details referred to by you.
I am not alone in wanting, as a member of the Bridport population likely to affected by this, to be given a clear explanation of how the surface water and indeed extra sewage will be managed.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes
Barry Bates