vearse farm amended DETAILED PLANS SUBMITTED

In the last few days amended detailed plans have been submitted for Vearse Farm (Foundry Lea).

The link to Dorset Council planning portal for this application is:

Advearse, along with many other interested parties and members of the public, submitted comments and objections to the previous detailed plans. For the last 6 months the developers Barratts/Vistry have been working with the council to amend the detailed plans.

We have an online meeting with the developers on Monday 13th June when they will present an overview of the changes made. We are keen to understand how they have addressed all the objections and concerns previously raised and will report back on the result of this meeting.

The closing date for comments is 8 July. During the next 3 weeks we will go through the amended plans and post our draft comments. This is a big task as there are over 250 new documents loaded onto the council planning portal!

Please feel free to send us any comments you may have or any issues you would particularly like us to look into. Also take the opportunity to make your own views known by commenting on the plans.

As previously reported these plans will go to the Dorset Council Western & Southern planning committee. No date has been set but given the closing date for comments it is likely that this will be 4 August, at the earliest, or 15 September or 13 October.

It would be great to have as many people as possible attend and speak at the meeting. Whilst it is not feasible to halt the application there is an opportunity to pressure the planning committee to make sure that the plans really do meet the needs of Bridport.

A further piece of news is that an Advearse member will be added to the Foundry Lea working Group, which includes representatives from Bridport Town council, the developers and other interested parties. We will use this as an opportunity to represent the views of local people as the development progresses.

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